Friday, July 27, 2012


It's Friday!!! I am so glad for the weekend!  Last night was actually very relaxing, the kids went to Tim's sister's house.  Tim and I decided to relax last night and catch up on our DVR'ed shows, and we were so exhausted from being up so late on Wednesday. 

The boy's room flooring is about 85% complete.  After I left for work yesterday, Tim called Daniel, a guy who used to be in our youth group, and in 2 hours, he did more than what took the other guy and day and a half.  Plus, he's coming back tonight as well to help us get finished! Cute story was supposed to be a surprise, Tim didn't tell me and wanted me to come home and be shocked.  But he should have told the kids that. Brock called me, and was so happy to tell me all the work Daniel had done.  I had just talked to Tim a few minutes before, and he didn't mention him coming.  I pieced it together pretty quick, what was going on.  I told Brock, I don't think you are supposed to be telling me that.  He felt so bad, and didn't want me to tell Tim.  Brock is like me, he HATES to disappoint people.  It bothered him.  So I acted shocked, and then told Tim later last night, how cute it was. I was glad he did, cause him telling me caused a lot of my anxiety to go away in the afternoon at work.

Now, in a perfect world, I would go to Ikea Charlotte today or tomorrow.  There are several things I wanted to buy last time, but didn't have the room to bring home.  I really, really wish I had a truck!!! So if anybody with a truck, wants to driveup to Ikea and take me with you, I would be very grateful :)!!!

The yard sale is not happening this weekend, I really want to get everything back in their rooms, and sorted through before I have the big yard sale!  I have a lot to sale, I mean a LOT!!!

So, hopefully before this weekend is over with, I will have pictures to post of the rooms and furniture! I cannot get to the mattresses yet, until we move her dresser back to her room.  I will be so happy to get my house back in order, instead of look liking a house from Hoarders: Buried Alive!!!!

Hope everyone has a great weekend!!! Again, feel free to comment!!!

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