So, here it goes! I had a blog a few years ago. But I mainly used it to air my opinions, which were mainly political with a little religion added in for some variety. BUT now I want to have a blog to chronicle my Pinterest adventures and my current remodel attempts at my house!
Pinterest... what can I say! It's addictive and inspirational! I am not a creative person. I wish so much that I was but God did not give me those abilities. I am still figuring out what abilities God did give me, but it seems like there are none. I am not even being falsely-modest. I have no redeemable or marketable qualities. But enough on that subject...
I do like to replicate what I see that I like, and can follow directions! So over the next few days I will catch up with what pictures and stories of the Pinterest crafts I have done so far!
Thanks for reading...
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